Podatek CIT – co to są środki trwałe?

Środki trwałe na gruncie podatku CIT mają o tyle istotne znaczenie, że ich prawidłowe zdefiniowanie wpływa na zasady zaliczania do kosztów uzyskania przychodów wydatków na nabycie lub wytworzenie aktywów podatnika. Czym zatem są środki trwałe dla celów podatkowych? Odpowiedź na to pytanie nie jest skomplikowana,…

Podatek CIT – zmiany Ordynacji podatkowej

Z dniem 1 stycznia 2016 r. w życie weszły przepisy zmieniające właściwość organów podatkowych. Choć duże zmiany dotyczą podatku od towarów i usług, część z nich dotyczy również podatek CIT. Zmieniona Ordynacja podatkowa wprowadziła m. in. dwie zasadnicze zasady z zakresu rozwiązań dotyczących właściwości miejscowej…

A Few Ways to Pay Less in Taxes and Save Money

If you’re like a majority of Americans, you may be looking for new, creative ways to ease your annual tax burden. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to cut your taxes or increase the amount of your tax refund without incurring the wrath of the IRS. Tax credits and allowable deductions come and go as the IRS changes its rules…

Best Practices on How Auditors Can Evolve

Amid increasing attention on how internal auditors can evolve in their positions, a newly published survey of stakeholders offers some valuable insights on best practices. Not surprisingly, a focus on strategic planning and risk management within auditors’ organizations is key. The survey report by the Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation and global consultancy Protiviti is based on responses from..


Report: IRS Lien Notices Reach Wrong Addresses

The IRS sent tax lien notices to the wrong addresses for taxpayers even though the agency had the correct addresses in its system, according to a July report by the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). Though the agency re-sent the notices, the incorrect mailings were potentially illegal because the IRS is required by statute to notify taxpayers at their last known…


GAO Finds Holes in IRS Taxpayer Protection Program

Criticism of the IRS’s cybersecurity loopholes and breaches is endless, so a recent report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) finding the agency’s Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) problematic isn’t exactly a big surprise. The TPP is intended to identify possibly bogus tax return filers and prevent fraud. But the bad guys are still able to get through and claim…

The IRS Scandal, Day 1251: O'Reilly Calls For A Special Prosecutor

During his most recent televised rant, Bill O’Reilly said a huge scandal can potentially explode within the Justice Department. He added that many Americans are confident that the intervention was in during investigations into the IRS’ targeting of republican groups and Hillary Clinton’s private email server. O’Reilly noted that former IRS employee Lois Herner was neve…

When you need your company to have a new website or if you venture on updating your old webpage with a new look and functionality, the choices are versatile…

Why Trump's 1995 Taxes Release Was Illegal

Some of you might remember the constant issues with Trump’s taxes, coming up here and there in the election campaign’s cycle… But for those of you who were glad to read some pages of his tax returns way back from 1995, lawyers and accountants have one word for you – confidentiality! Trump’s Accountant/Lawyer Committed '”Horrific”’ Violation Of Legal And Professional Ethics In Discussing His Tax Returns With Media..